DSC Registration

The information act 2000 suggest everyone file electronic signature, to ensure the authenticity or safety of your signature on the required documents to be signed electronically. A digital signature is the only method to ensure the safety of your signature signed electronically. Be aware of the fake digital signature certificate, you have to get your digital signature certificate from the authorized agencies approved by the controller of certification agencies (CCA). As we are certified as the best agency in registering DSC. So, we are here to help you in the process of DSC registration.

There is no need for dsc registration, if you already own a digital signature then you can use that digital signature token for signing documents. As digital signatures are valid for only 1 or 2 years, make sure your digital signature is in the validity period. If it has expired, then you have to renew it for further proceedings. Please consult us for registering DSC

For more info about Digital Signature Click Here 

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Steps to setup software company in India:

In the first step, you must describe your business like the services, product, type of the business, type of the equipment and technology you’re going install in your company. You have to explain the developed software and the procedure of supplying it in the market.

In the second step, Choose the type of your company according to your investment, activities, and requirement you can select the type of your business according to the company’s act 2013 as any one of the below:

  • Private limited company
  • Company limited by shares
  • Company limited by guarantee
  • Unlimited company
  • One Person Company
  • Limited company
  • Section 8 company

Select your region and follow the rules and regulations of that region to avoid legal complications.

Register your software company under registrar of companies

As soon as you got a clearance certificate from ROC (registrar of companies), you can be eligible to recruit candidates as employees. It would be better to get registered with the state department of employment for legal hiring.

Last but not the least, getting registered from the STPI software technology park India, felicitate your firm to get breaks from taxes.