Trademark Registration

Trademark is the recognizable sign, word, or a graphical representation of a firm, which is capable of representing its goods and services from other competitors. In common words, anything which identifies a brand to a consumer is called trademark. Our associates are happy to help you in the process of trademark registration.

For example, Adidas logo and the tagline is “impossible is nothing” is a registered Trademark. By trademarking your brand, you are providing it from your competitors, as it would be illegal to use the same tagline and logo to another product. It is used to protect the company’s investment in the brand. After trademarking, a registered TM number will be issued as trademark license, which is assigned within a period of three days by trademark department, but it takes almost two years to get your trademark registered, these will permit you to use the ® symbol aligning your brand. It represents that your trademark has been registered. If your trademarks are about to expire, then don’t worry about that, it can be renewed by filing a trademark renewal application, which avails a validity of 10 years


In India, Trademarks are registered by the controller general of Patents Designs and trademarks, under the control of Ministry of commerce industry, Govt of India. Trademarks are registered according to the Act of Trademark, 1999 to facilitate rights to the trademark owner when the infringement or duplicate of a trademark occurs.

We are the leading experts in serving trademark registration services, offering different services like trademark filing, trademark infringement, trademark objection, trademark reply, trademark renewal, trademark opposition.

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If you have already registered a trademark, you can use it to promote your business products and services. Trademark differentiates your goods and services from your competitors

Trademark is an intellectual property, which is similar to property, once you registered with it. You can hold complete rights on trademark, you are eligible to sell, transfer, or used as a trademark for the sole purpose to grow business.

As this world is competing with each other, it would hard for your customers to distinguish from your competitors. Trademark will make it easy for customers to navigate towards you.